Sunday, June 16, 2024

Hey dad

 Hey dad. Remember that time I was sick and you crawled in bed with me and held me so tight that I wasn’t scared. 

I remember being so comforted by your presence and your calmness. You stay cool under pressure and I did not get that from you. lol, sorry mom. I remember the whole process scary and daunting. I don’t think I ever realized how sick I was until it was to late. I remember calling you before being treached, you were so calm. Saying you would be there as soon as you could. I barely remember that call. It came back to me after the fact. But before I was put on the vent, you weren’t there. And I’m glad you didn’t experience that. I remember the first time seeing you after the transplant. You sneaked in, and although I couldn’t tell you I was thrilled to see your face in those yellow gowns. Yellow isn’t a good color on you btw. I smiled so big. I was in pain and unhappy but your face is so bright and vivid in that memory 

Daddy’s little fighter is what you use to say in updates and texts. And although I didn’t think I was that strong I surely proved myself wrong, but looking back I had it in me long long before. 

Hey Dad. Remember when I was in the hospital and you would come down and spend some time just the two of us. It was always my favorite cause I usually had your attention. We would go for walks. And the one time we broke out and went to get ice cream. Oxygen and all. 

Little did we know in a matter of months we were fighting for our lives, that hospital stay was a struggle. I started using oxygen full time and my home address was in San Diego. Not at home with you. But we still managed to have our dates just with an oxygen tag along 

Some times I don’t know how i got through that time Dad. As much as I was your “little fighter” I was tired. But a miracle happened 

Tears rolling down my face as I wrote this. It’s another Father’s Day I get to celebrate you. I thank my donor every day because I just don’t know how to live without you and thankfully I never have to worry about that again hopefully for a long time. 

 I love you daddy always have and always will. You will forever be my number one guy. The first love is a daughter and her father. And how lucky am I, that God saw me and knew I belonged with you. 


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