Thursday, February 27, 2025

It’s been 5 years…

It’s been 5 years since I walked outta the hospital. Here are 5 things I have learned 


  1- The physical things I have endured to get to this point in my life is sometimes mind blowing.Its amazing what the body can handle. Even though I see the scars and they are a constant reminder of the resilience and strength it has taken to get me where I am today, nothing compare to the scars that you can’t see. The survivors guilt that hangs heavy on my heart as I remember the people who have gone before me and even watching the ones who are currently struggling to find normalcy. It weighs heavy on me. My donor, someone i don’t know who is constantly on my mind and how I have this responsibility to live life for them and honor them. 

  2 -Physical changes are hard. After 5 years I still look at myself and sometimes don’t recognize the girl looking back at me. I’m proud of what my body has handled but it’s visible to my eyes. The puffy cheeks. The bruises that pop up randomly. The weight that I have gained is sometimes hard and if I’m being honest it’s hard to be crucial of my physical appearance when I’m just lucky to be alive. But I try to embrace it but it’s not easy to look like someone completely different. 

 3- being naïve. I was under the impression that when I got my miracle, things would be so very different and that I would have some normalcy and start to have somewhat of a normal life. My life is filled with doctor appointments for so many teams. Transplant, cystic fibrosis, liver, woman’s health, endocrinology, mental health, ENT. Don’t forget about the testing. Blood tests, X-rays,ct scans, mri’s and pulmonary functions. The list only gets bigger and the further out we are it seems like problems just pop up.  

  4- support. As lucky as I am to have the support I have. It sometimes feels like it’s too much of a burden to everyone. The appointments the tests the procedures and the need for support and reassurance. I don’t drive so I depend on others to get me anywhere and everywhere. It’s amazing the people who step up and show support in little ways and big ways. The check ins and the messages mean so much. But it still hurts when I think of the people who said they would be there for me and for my family but they aren’t there. They disappeared and I know it’s for the best and whatever reason it is, I don’t hold it against them…but the hurt is sometimes so powerful and overwhelming. 

  5- being so fragile. Medically and physically and even sometimes I find myself having a hard time with the emotions. I get angry and then sad. I’m upset with the fact I’m 38 and struggling to find a path for myself because I have no choice to just be a patient and take care of myself. It’s a full time job and there are no days off. No one to cover for me or give me a break. It’s 100% my responsibility. It’s heavy and somedays I can’t carry it all. And that makes me feel like a failure. I’m not a weak individual, or at least not in my eyes but there are a lot of things I simply can’t do. And in all honesty even though it’s silly things it’s hard to wrap my mind around. 

The thing is, I got my miracle. And when I say I’m very lucky it’s an understatement. I’m fortunate to be where I am and it’s not a bad life by no means. It’s a great and beautiful life and I’m blessed to the extreme with the support and love and everything. So please don’t take the above as me complaining. It’s me being honest about my situation. 

Here are 5 quick things that I have learned that are more on the positive side 

  1. Love is powerful and will help in every situation. 
  2. The compassion of good doctors and nurses make things so much easier and I appreciate them so much.
  3. When you have a great support system and team, you can handle anything that gets thrown your way
  4. The connection you have with someone who has walked the same path is something that nobody will understand unless they to are on the same path. 
  5. Even on the darkest days there is light, sometimes you just have to look for it. 

I’ll end my post by letting you know 5 years go by fast and even now the memories are still strong and present in my mind, but now I seem to have stronger feelings of happiness and not so much trauma. 

Friends, somedays are hard and somedays are easy and then some days are in between. But everyday is a good day in some way. I’m so blessed to be here and write to you all. I send you my love 


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